Founding and senior partner of GESSEL. Beata specialises in arbitration, M&A, private equity and commercial law. Member of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (2015-2021), Honorary President of the Lewiatan Arbitration Court (2017). To date, Beata Gessel has participated in approx. 160 arbitrations (under the rules of the ICC, UNCITRAL, SCC, LCIA, VIAC, SAC, FCC, IAA, SCAI, SIDiR, Lewiatan, the Polish National Chamber of Commerce and the National Depository for Securities). Co-chair of the ICC Advanced Arbitration Academy program. Member of the SCC Arbitrators’ Council, the ICDR/AAA Rules Revision Task Force and the IBA Task Force for the Revision of the IBA Guidelines on Conflicts of Interest in International Arbitration. In 2023 she was appointed to the Scientific Council of the Institute of Legal Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences. For many years was an associate professor at Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University, she has been a guest lecturer at Queen Mary University of London, Stockholm University, Humboldt University, University of Leicester and the Virtual Diploma in International Commercial Arbitration of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London (CIArb).